Solid (Views tab), Distinct colors for each group of sequence-identical chains:
Slab off.
(MP4 file.)
Two confirmations
of several sidechains in
Automatic animation by FirstGlance.
(GIF file.)
Same perspective of
as above, but rendered as the Charge view:
Automatic animation of conformations (alternate locations) by FirstGlance.
(GIF file.)
Auto zoom-in and labeling by FirstGlance of the isopeptide bond in
(Tools tab, Protein Crosslinks),
followed by manual slabbing,
rotation with the mouse, and
further zooming.
(MP4 file.)
This document tells you how to capture more complex videos from FirstGlance
(or Proteopedia.Org, or any video displayed on your computer screen).
These can be video sequences generated automatically by FirstGlance
(such as zooming in to an isopeptide bond protein crosslink in
2xi9), or manually controlled
sequences of operations. Examples are at the right.
Some of the
YouTube Videos about FirstGlance
were captured with the methods described below,
and then edited with LosslessCut (see below) and iMovie.
Capture the Video
Windows 11. The Snipping Tool included in Windows 11
build number 22621.1344 or higher can capture videos as MP4 files.
You can limit capture to a rectangle that you size within your screen. Use the Windows
Search slot to find "Snipping". If you need help, search the Internet for "screen
record with snipping tool".
Windows 10 does not have a built-in video capture tool. Upgrade to
Windows 11 is free if your computer meets the minimum requirements. A free video capture
tool that some people recommend for Windows 10 can be downloaded from
macOS 10.14 (Mojave) or later include a Screenshot Toolbar that can
record video within a rectangle that you size within your screen.
Shift + Cmd + 5 invokes it. It saves videos as MOV files.
If you have recorded a long (15 sec or more) sequence that you want to play
once from start to finish, you are all set (unless you need to cut out some unwanted
segments ... see below). MOV and MP4 files
play in slides in Powerpoint and other presentation software, as well as within
websites in common browsers.
If an MOV file does not play, try converting it to an MP4 file (see below).
Convert the Video
Convert MOV to MP4.
A free conversion site with many options is
Drag your captured video file and drop it into
MP4 files are more widely supported than are MOV files.
Also, if you captured an MOV on macOS, sometimes it has an unwanted artifact, a green edge
on the right side. That can be cropped off during conversion by specifying a custom
resolution (width and height in pixels) and changing Fit to crop.
Similarly, you can reduce the overall size.
Get the pixel dimensions of a video on macOS with Cmd-I (Get Info).
On Windows, right click the file and select Properties. The dimensions will be reported
under the Details or Summary tab. (If you have better methods for Windows, please
email us using the link at the bottom of this page.)
Convert to GIF.
If you want a short video clip (15 sec or less) to loop, playing over and over repeatedly,
convert it to a GIF file.
You may want to run it through
first, even MP4 to MP4, because you can make various adjustments that
are not available in the conversion to GIF step. Changing frames per second (Fps) to
about 10 seems to result in a faster playback after the subsequent conversion to GIF.
Finally, convert to GIF. The GIF option is under Image (not Video), but
nevertheless it creates a movie when starting with an MP4 or MOV movie.
Brighten Your GIF?
Sometimes your GIF may turn out too dark.
OnlineGIFTools will brighten your GIF, free!
It can make many other kinds of adjustments to GIFs as well.
Cut Out Unwanted Segments?
LosslessCut is a free program that makes it easy to cut out unwanted portions
of the video, merging the remaining segments. Lossless is important:
it works without re-encoding. Video editors that support more complex editing typically
re-encode the video, resulting in some loss of resolution.
LosslessCut can also convert MOV to MP4, concatenate multiple video captures,
and do many other editing tasks.
There are numerous "how to" LosslessCut tutorials on YouTube.
(Another free program,, gave unsatisfactory results.)
Install the Video
Drag and drop the GIF or MP4 file into a slide. In older versions of Powerpoint,
GIF files may not animate until you "project" the slide.